Acne is the commonest human skin disease. It usually affects skin with the densest population of sebaceous glands(oil glands), the areas include the face, upper part of the chest and back. It occurs commonly during adolescence (12-18 years old), and often continues into adulthood. In adolescence, acne is usually caused by an increase in 'androgen hormone- a sex hormone', which occurs during puberty, regardless of sex. For most people, acne diminishes over time and tends to disappear or decrease by age 25. There is however, no way to predict how long it will take to disappear entirely. Some individual will carry this into their thirties, forties and beyond.
How are ACNE formed?
Sebum(oil) produced by sebaceous glands(oil glands) blocked/clogged the hair follicles (pores) in the skin to form white head. The hormone androgen increases the sebum production & it continues to build up behind plug. Some of the clogged pores may be exposed to air causing oxidation to the sebum(oil), which turns black (known as black head). Bacteria on the skin can grow, proliferate in sebum, causing infection(inflammation) & development of yellowish pus. This infected/inflamed whitehead & blackhead are known as pimples/acne.
Excessive touching/squeezing of the white and or black head causes the wall of the pores to break/ruptured and the contents(infected sebum) will enter the surrounding tissue leading to intense/more severe infection, which leads to deep acne scar formation after it is healed.
Oil production in the sebaceous glands increases during puberty, causing acne to be common in teenagers. Acne is also formed pre-menstrually and smoking may worsen acne. Washing or scrubbing the skin too much causes irritation to the skin and making it worst.
The infection or inflammation within the skin tissue or dermis brought on by acne results in "Ugly Permanent Scars" The scars is created by the wound trying to heal itself resulting in too much elastic tissue in one spot. Scars tend to cause indentation in the skin surface.
The psychological impact of acne to individuals is high. Research indicates increased acne is associated with increased stress level. Acne may cause low self esteem, some may become withdrawn or depressed. Hence, proper early treatment is very important to prevent permanent scars.
How Acne is treated ?
Acne can be easily treated to avoid the ugly damaged permanent scars. Acne can be treated with proper and better medication. The goal of therapy is to stop the sebum(oil) production, which stops and prevents the whole cycle.
Please consult with our skin doctor for proper treatment.